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Maleic anhydride

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Maleic anhydride

Around 50% of world maleic anhydride output is used in the manufacture of unsaturated polyester resins (UPR). Chopped glass fibers are added to UPR to produce fibreglass reinforced plastics which are used in a wide range of applications such as pleasure boats, bathroom fixtures, automobiles, tanks and pipes. However, the UPR market reflects general economic conditions as it is tied to the construction, automobile and marine industries.

Another market for maleic anhydride is lubricating oil additives, which are used in gasoline and diesel engine crankcase oils as dispersants and corrosion inhibitors. Changes in lubricant specifications and more efficient engines have had a negative effect on the demand for lubricating oil additives, giving flat growth prospects for maleic anhydride in this application.

There are a number of smaller applications for maleic anhydride. The food industry uses maleic anhydride in artificial sweeteners and flavour enhancements. Personal care products consuming maleic anhydride include hair sprays, adhesives and floor polishes. Maleic anhydride is also used in water treatment chemicals, detergents, insecticides and fungicides, pharmaceuticals and copolymers.